Friday 22 July 2011

Hi All

If any of you are looking for a good read would recommend this book. Once I started to read it I found it very hard to put it down.Maybe some of you have already read it. Love to know what you thought of it.

Pearse Street Library

This was another interesting video I found on You Tube.

Joseph O'Connors Libraries

When I was checking out You Tube I found this video entitled Joseph O'Connor's Libraries. It was taken from his radio diary on Radio One's Drivetime to mark World Book Day with his views on the importance of the library.Found it most interesting. Well I am very pleased with myself as I have now embed my first video on my blog.Have been on You Tube quite often looking at videos but never did embed any videos. Well that's Phase 2 Week 2 Thing 16 done now the next task will be to upload a short video to You Tube. Feeling a bit nervous about this but will give it a go.

Hi All.
A friend of mine took this dramatic picture out at Dun Laoghaire Pier yesterday.

Thursday 21 July 2011

Ernest Hemingway

If a writer of prose knows enough about what he is writing about he may omit things that he knows and the reader, if the writer is writing truly enough, will have a feeling of those things as strongly as though the writer had stated them. The dignity of movement of an ice-berg is due to only one-eighth of it being above water.
Ernest Hemingway, Death in the Afternoon (New York: Scribner, 1932), 192.

Hemingway at His Writing Desk During His African Safari,
Earl Theisen, photographer,

Born on 21st July 1899


Hi All

Well have been checking out all about podcasts.Don't know if I would like to create a podcast myself as I don't think I would like to hear my own voice but you never know might find the courage to do it. I have to say that I can see the advantage to podcast. I have checked out the University of Oxfords Podcast and I was very impressed as I am very interested in the History of Art and they had 13 items dealing with this subject.I also checked out South Dublin County Libraries liked what I saw hopefully in the future most of the libraries around the country will have podcast.I could see how it would be a great asset if it was in our library. On my travels checking other podcast sites I found this one called Adventures in Library Instruction Podcast.They have a monthly podcast about teaching information literacy in libraries. I have to say that it was interesting. Well that is phase two week one finished.Still have a bit of catching up to do.

Wednesday 20 July 2011

Hi All

Did not realise that Phase 2 of 23 things has started as I am on holidays at present. Have a
bit to catch up on. Had a look at what has to be done. Panic is starting to set in as I am not
very technical minded. Going to give it my best shot to doing the tasks.Might be needing some help along the way but will see how I get on.

Sunday 19 June 2011

Frida Kahlo Self -Portrait

This picture was on show at the Frida Kahlo Exhibition in the Irish Museum of Modern Art. Glad I did not miss this exhibition.It was well worth going to.

Thursday 2 June 2011

Tea Party

Hi all my fellow bloggers.
                                                                                                             I hope you all have a great tea party
                                                                                                             on Tuesday. Sorry I won't be there.
                                                                                                             Don't eat to much cake.

Creative Commons

    Have not done the task on Creative Commons as yet. I hope to do it
                                                         over the next few days. Being very busy.

Thursday 26 May 2011

Musik Hall at Fishamble Street

Handel's First performance of the Messiah  took place in Fishambles Street Dublin 1742

Library Thing

Week 6 Thing 12 Library Things. I have to say that this was one of the easiest accounts to open. I love  the idea of having  my own online catalogue of books. I will definitely keep this going even when  I am finished 23 Things.  Still have to do  Thing 13 about Creative Commons. I hope to get this task done over the next few days.

Thursday 19 May 2011

Christmas Tree

Well at long last I have got around to doing Week 5 things 10 and 11. As I already have account  with facebook I knew what it is all about. Checked Cregan's Library page was very impressed with it. Have to say I am very cautious of what I put on my page. I only use it to keep in touch with my friends who are away. Can see how facebook could be useful for the library as I am sure most students have a facebook account. As for Twitter I am afraid I am not a fan. There has been a lot of controversy about Twitter in the papers and on the news.

Friday 29 April 2011

This is now I felt after finishing Week 4's task.
Well I got through Week 4 things 8 and 9 all about Wikis .Opened my wikispace account and made my contribution to 23 Things @ SPD wiki..At the start found all the  information about wikis a bit complicated but I persevered and eventually got to understand  how it works.Checked out National Library of Australia and Princeton Public Library and I can see how wikis can work in libraries.I have to say I did not enjoy this task nobody fault except my own.

Wednesday 13 April 2011

Well I can't believe that I have completed week 3 and Thing 6 and 7. I enjoyed finding out more about RSS feeds I knew a little about it but did not know how it really worked..I had no problem setting up the account with
Google Reader. I found the video on how to set up a Google Reader account very helpful. Roll on week 4

Thursday 7 April 2011

Things4 and 5

Have completed things 4 & 5. Found opening the account  with Delicious a bit daunting but I succeeded. Loved Wordle. Had great fun creating  tag clouds.